MABE 2010: First Post

Apologies for the delay.

**** Updated July 14th ****

Here are the lecture materials for download:

NB: Lectures 5 and 6 in previous years addressed Foreign exchange market, which this year will be covered by my colleague instead.

All the groups should now have their topics confirmed. Do let me know as soon as possible if you are not yet part of any group, or if your group is still in search of a topic.

Let me repeat what is expected of this assignment.

1. Key output includes (1) a 15-20 minute presentation by one or more representatives from the group, (2) two hard copies of the presentation materials for me and my colleague, and (3) a report containing the details of the research. After your presentation, please send soft copies of both the presentation and report to me as well.

2. The presentation should aim to be both informative and fun. The key aim is to engage your audience and educate them. I plan to hold presentations on the last 2 lectures of our class, but now realize that there's only one lecture on the last week, i.e. 28th. I will try to schedule 2 classes for that last week, so that all groups will have more time to prepare. The ordering of presentation will be randomized, and announced soon.

3. There is no strict requirement about the length of the report, as I place most emphasis on the quality and depth of research rather than length. For example, there's little point of including pages and pages of tables and diagrams if there's no discussion of what they mean. But if you really need a ballpark, previous years' reports range from 10ish to 30ish pages.

4. The research topics are pretty loosely defined, so you are free as a group to decide what angles to conduct your research.

Let me know if you have any questions.