EE432 2010: Topic 7 Materials

Presentation file and reading pack for our final topic is now available for download

Key readings are articles in the JEP symposium, contained in a separate 'JEP articles' folder.


PanitWt said...
9:09 pm

Dear A.Phurichai,
Archarn said that there will be another problem set for us to practice. When will it be available?
And one more thing, when is the tutorial session krub?
Thank you.

Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul said...
1:42 pm

Hi Panit,

I'll upload the problem set some time this evening. Thanks for waiting.

As for the tutorial session, the BE office says they're holding an exam there, so it's hard to organize teaching. Perhaps we'd have to find an alternative location. I'll get back to you, but let me know if you have suggestions.