MABE: Past Exam Questions

Here's the exam questions in 2007, which may (or may not) be useful for your revisions.

Please note that
  • Some part of the course has been revised, especially the part covered by Dr. Surach, which is incorporated only this year. So question 3 in the old exam is no longer applicable this year, for example.
  • The old exam questions are meant to give you some idea of the style of questions that could be asked in exams. The actual contents of the questions need not be similar, so do not base your revisions solely on these questions. The safest approach is to stick with what is covered in the lectures.
  • For reasons outlined above, I will not provide solutions to these exam questions. If you wish to cross-check your answers, the best way would be to consult among your friends.
Exams-related questions are welcomed. Leave your message!

MABE: Monetary Theory and Policy (Dr. Surach)

Here's a collection of course materials for lectures delivered by Dr. Surach.

MABE: Simulation Game Data, and Other Comments

First of all, I hope you are already aware that tomorrow class (Sat 5th) is postponed to Sunday 13th! Check out the updated schedule here.

Next, regarding the simulation game, links to various data sources can be found at the following:
For those writing Fed reports, you may want to go straight to the following
Those writing ECB reports, please see

Do let me know if there is any other data series which you want, but cannot obtain from the web. I'll try to get them for you if possible.