MABE: Extra Readings for Lecture 4

Here are some extra readings for lecture 4 which you may find helpful.

For a comprehensive coverage of instruments in the money market (eurodollars, fed fund futures, swaps etc) please check out
On how to infer market expectations from the prices of these markets, please see the following introductory article
Do check out the references therein, which include a more detailed paper and a speech by Ben Bernanke on the topic.

I have gathered some of these papers plus additional ones that may be of interests, and you can download them HERE. Most of these go well beyond the scope of this course, so you only need to read these selectively!

MABE: Lecture 6 Note

Here's the final note for my final lecture
Dr. Surach will take over from Saturday July 6th onwards. Drop me any questions in the meantime, either via email or on the chat box to the right. And check this website periodically, as I may post some materials.

MABE: Lecture 5 Note & Some Fixed Income Readings

Here's note for

Some readings on forward rates computation, and duration/convexity etc as requested

Quote of the Week

Questioned whether the EU leaders discussed foreign exchange intervention, Jean-Claude Juncker said
"Would we have done so, I wouldn't answer the question, but we have not done so. Would we have done so, I would have denied that we did"

MABE: Lecture 3 and 4 Notes

Here're notes for
A couple of excel files shown in class are included in the pack.

MABE Simulation Game: Primer on Economic Data

In your assignments, the reports (both economic and financial) will need to discuss the implications of real-life incoming economic data. To understand what these are, and what they mean, a good place to start would be the following 'primers'

For basic explanation on economic indicators, e.g. what does 'annualised' mean etc, please see

More materials to be posted here. Do check back.

MABE: Lecture 2 Fixed Income Securities

Here's lecture ppt file.

J.K. Rowling at Harvard

I originally saw this at Greg Mankiw's Blog: Congratulations, Harvard Grads.

Great speech by the crafter of Harry Potter. Most highly recommended for those of you young students, and adults alike.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

MABE: Money and Financial Management in Economic Development

That's mouthful for a course title.

Here's Lecture-1 note and course descriptions .

Details about the assignments tba, but probably will be similar to last year as I mentioned.